World’s Oldest Breeding Albatross Lays Egg At Age 66
A 66 year-old female bird, believed to be the world’s oldest breeding albatross, has returned to a wildlife refuge in Hawaii and began incubating a newly laid egg.
Wisdom surprised and delighted staff at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Battle of Midway National Memorial by laying a new egg despite her advanced age.
Staff kept track of Wisdom throughout her six decades of fertility using a red auxiliary band attached to her right leg.
She was first banded in 1956 by a biologist when she had already begun breeding. Biologists estimate Wisdom is older than 60.
Wisdom has raised at least nine chicks to maturity since 2006 and remains at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge incubating her newest egg and awaiting the return of her mate.
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